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Mobile Payments

Melt Foodtruck in Whananaki, New Zealand.

Learn how Melt Foodtruck use mobile payments for contactless, cashless payments with Payminty.

1 - The Problem

Scott and Anabelle run the really popular Melt Food Truck in Whananaki, Northland, New Zealand. They wanted a simple to operate but smart solution to take contactless, cashless payments from their customers when they are running the food truck over the busy summer months. They are in a relatively remote part of New Zealand where they had experienced connection problems in the past with traditional handheld payment terminals (EFTPOS Machines).

2 - The Solution

Payminty set Melt up with their own QR code enabling contactless cashless payments from their customers whilst being highly compliant of Covid-19 social distancing protocols.

Melt customers were able to scan the Payminty QR code from a safe distance to make a payment. Scott and Annabelle were instantly notified of the transaction via their own device. Customers were able to pay with Payminty straight away without having to download any app or pre-load any accounts. Solution Details:

  • Payminty QR Code

  • Customer e-receipts

  • Merchant e-receipts

  • New Payment Gateway account in minutes with Stripe

3 - The Result

Scott and Anabelle are over the moon! gone were all the pains with a remote EFTPOS terminal and fixed fees, setup was a breeze and their customers can safely buy an amazing holiday coffee with no-contact, no-apps and no worries. Poor internet reception in the relatively remote location has not been an issue because their Customers phones are only transmitting a tiny amount of data and are much better at it than Mobile Payment Terminals that intermittently drop out. Benefits to the Melt include:

  • Can easy meet Covid-19 safety protocols

  • Don't miss out on any sales for non-cash carriers

  • Not paying for any hardware when closed over winter months

  • Customers can pay via Debit/Credit card or Apple/Google pay

  • The Payminty scanner is quicker and safer for repeat customers.


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