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Event Payments

Lexus Urban Polo

Learn how Lexus Urban Polo use Payminty to collect payments at their events.

1 - The Problem

Urban Polo run hugely successful Polo events around New Zealand and Internationally. There is a huge hospitality aspect to their events with most hosted marquee food and drink orders made days before. Urban Polo needed a solution where additional orders could be made by attendees directly from the marquee on the day.

2 - The Solution

Payminty set Urban Polo up with unique QR codes for each of their marquees and configured their app so a customers email address was mandatory. This was so caterers knew who made the order and customers had proof of purchase for expense claims. Solution Details:

  • Payment Gateway - Stripe

  • Variable Payment Amounts

  • Customer e-receipts

  • Merchant e-receipts

  • Urban Polo Branded app

3 - The Result

When additional orders were placed caterers received merchant e-receipts and knew exactly which marquee and who to deliver the goods to. Customers had a quick easy and transparent way to make additional orders with these magically turning up so no time was spent away from the event itself. Benefits to Urban Polo include:

  • Easy to use frictionless solution encouraged additional orders

  • No staff required to run additional EFTPOS terminals

  • Metadata behind unique QR codes could direct orders exactly where they needed to go

  • No fixed/ongoing costs mean no expenses are incurred between events


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