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GDPR - Payminty

Payminty has always been dedicated to maintaining the best security for our customers. What you should know


GDPR distinguishes between a data controller (who collects and owns the data) and a data processor (who handles the data on behalf of the Controller). Payminty is a data processor. As a customer with Payminty, you are usually the controller. When classified as the data controller, Payminty customers must meet certain obligations, such as notifying or obtaining data subject consent.


How Payminty can help


As the data processor, Payminty promises to:

  • Keep your data safe, secure, and private

  • Disclose our sub-processors and monitor their GDPR compliance

  • Keep records of compliance and audit logs as required

  • Make available tools to handle data subject requests, such as right-to-erasure and right-to-access

  • Notify you of a security breach using your account notification contact (in this case your email address)


For questions, feel free to contact us on:


Last updated: Jan 2024

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